The system provides an inviting environment for customers from all walks of life.
traditional steel sheeting roof version and
was commissioned with early projects
rolling out in 2015.
Danpal’s subsidiary in France, Everlite
Concept, secured the supply of our 16mm
Clear Danpalon Microcell Panel Roofing
System, throughout the global Total
network. From this point on, via a group
contract with Total SA, Danpal successfully
provided our system for Total stations
around the world, in all major markets.
To secure the contract, we have met and
sometimes exceeded the high specification
standards required by petrochemical
companies. Our ISO compliance, material
safety standards (including fire and impact
resistance) and international warranty have
proven crucial in this regard.
TOTAL’s new Tair Canopy design, relies
on the use of translucent Danpalon
Microcell panels, along with the application
of a 3m type outdoor vinyl, which is
detailed with a special ‘leaf’ cut-out
pattern. The result is outstanding, as the
Tair Canopy allows for the steaming of
dappled light through the ‘leaf’ pattern
cut-out, filling the forecourt area beneath.
This softer daylight effect, creates a visually
APRIL 2018
uplifting and vibrant aesthetic, which is
now unique to all Total petrol stations.
The new Tair Canopy design goes
beyond aesthetics however, as the
Danpalon Panel Roof system also provides
complete protection against both harmful
ultraviolet (UV) rays and all-weather
conditions. The high quality coextruded UV
protection, is vital for the expected 25 to
30-year lifespan of the translucent Microcell
panels. Without this extremely important
step during panel manufacturing, the
roofing panels will eventually fail under the
harsh conditions of the African sun!
The go ahead
To ensure compliance to the highest
international standards, Danpal subjected
its manufacturing processes to both ISO
9001 and ISO 14001 certification. This has
created the platform to ensure consistent
compliance with both EU and US building
code specifications.
Of the more pertinent areas of concern
for Total SA, derived from these
specifications, is that of resistance against
petrochemicals and reaction to fire. Danpal
had already subjected its Danpalon panels
to a battery of tests via external labs, such
as those at EXOVA in the UK (ASTM D 1308
Chemical Resistance) and Heraeus DSET
Laboratories in the US (ASTM D 4364-84