SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 8

Sediment : Sediments in water include clay , silt , sand and coarser particulate material , and are referred to ‘ total suspended solids ’ ( this is how they are measured in the water column ) or ‘ total suspended sediment ’. Sediments are characterised by different particle sizes . Not all sediment or particle size fractions present the same risk to the Great Barrier Reef , with fine (< 16 µ m ) sediment moving furthest into the marine environment , leading to increased turbidity and reduced light , and therefore posing the greatest risk .
Social Factors : Social factors measure the human dimensions that influence the capacity , motivations and barriers to landholder engagement in stewardship and agricultural management practice adoption that improve water quality outcomes .
Source Catchments : The eWater CRC Source Catchments modelling framework simulates sediment , nutrient and pesticide loads entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon including the pollutant loads at a sub-catchment scale . The framework allows specific customised models to be added as ‘ plug-ins ’ to meet a particular modelling objective .
Stewardship : Local environmental stewardship is the actions taken by individuals , groups or networks , with various motivations and levels of capacity , to protect , care for or responsibly use the environment in pursuit of environmental , economic and / or social outcomes in diverse social-ecological contexts ( derived from Bennett et al ., 2018 ).
This report was prepared with the support of funding from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries ( DAF ) with in-kind support from the organisations of the contributors . We would like to thank Carla Wegscheidl for initiating this project and to Terri Buono for her ongoing support .
The report has been prepared under the guidance of NQ Dry Tropics . It was led by Jane Waterhouse from C 2O Consulting coasts climate oceans with contributions from many individuals including Steve Attard ( AgriTech Solutions ), Arwen Rickert ( Burdekin Bowen Integrated Floodplain Management Advisory Committee [ BIFFMAC ]), Terri Buono ( DAF ), Rob Hunt ( NQ Dry Tropics ), Luke Malan ( NQ Dry Tropics ), members of the Burdekin Cane Extension Working Group ( including Burdekin Productivity Services [ BPS ], Farmacist , Canegrowers , Sugar Research Australia [ SRA ], BBIFMAC and DAF ), Kevin McCosker ( DAF ), Grant Fraser ( formerly Department of Natural Resources , Mines and Energy [ DNRME ]), Mark Silburn ( DNRME ), Melanie Shaw ( DNRME ), Cameron Dougall ( DNRME ) and Anthony Curro ( SRA ).