SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 65

required to redesign the existing irrigation system , and in many cases aging infrastructure ( pumps and pipeline ) requires replacement to deliver the appropriate volume for improved irrigation . For example , for the existing furrow irrigation systems , shifting ‘ D to C ’ ( High to Moderate risk ) irrigation management is likely to require incorporation of automation systems for managing irrigation timing and rate ( Alluvium , 2016 ). Current estimates indicate that the price to automate systems will widely vary from site to site depending upon farm layout and the type of hardware the individual farmers prefers . The results of several trials indicate that the capital cost will be in the range $ 600 to $ 1,500 per hectare for instrumentation , with annual maintenance costs around $ 50 to $ 150 per hectare to support equipment maintenance and farmer training ( Gillies et al ., 2017 ).
The cost of shifting beyond ‘ C class ’ or Moderate risk irrigation is likely to require a shift in management and scheduling of furrow irrigation methods . For example , this process requires assessment of the irrigation without automation , then with automation , followed by an optimisation analysis to determine the best inflow rates for each field . This analysis may indicate that fields will need to be shortened ( i . e . redesigned ), or pumping systems improved to increase flow to the field . Use of appropriate scheduling tools , such as IrrigWeb , would be beneficial . These changes require training and support from agronomic advisors , including follow up – which all comes at a cost but is necessary and beneficial and in the long term to maintain improved practices .
The most recent analysis is that conducted for Alluvium ( 2016 ) study , Costs of achieving the water quality targets for the Great Barrier Reef , completed to inform the Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce . The study assessed seven management scenarios , or solution sets , using different management options and delivery mechanisms . It included a scenario to assess the costs of moving to high efficiency irrigation practices in the Lower Burdekin sugarcane area , including representation of at least 10 per cent , 20 per cent , 50 per cent , 70 per cent and 100 per cent of the suitable sugarcane area adopting high efficiency techniques . High efficiency irrigation techniques are reliant on particular biophysical characteristics such as soil type and pollutant loss pathways and are only suitable in certain cases . This was taken into account when considering the adoption rates , i . e . different sorts of high efficiency techniques will not be suitable everywhere and thus a 100 per cent adoption scenario is highly unlikely . Irrigation improvements were costed separately in this scenario ( nutrient management was costed in a land management scenario ), but it was recommended that they should be considered in conjunction with a shift to B class nutrient management practices . The consideration of irrigation and nutrient management together also recognised the influence of wet season runoff in DIN loads given that the majority of irrigation tailwater runoff occurs during the dry season .
The cost estimates of management practice changes included upfront costs and annual maintenance costs , change in farm profit , extension costs and program costs ( such as project management , communication and engagement , and compliance and auditing ). The irrigation scenario in the study was led by some of the authors of this report , Jane Waterhouse and Steve Attard , with some of the key information extracted below .
Automated furrow irrigation is likely to require incorporation of instrumentation systems for managing irrigation timing and rate . Current estimates indicate that the price to automate systems will widely vary from site to site depending upon farm layout and the type of hardware the individual farmers prefer . The early results of several trials indicate that the capital cost will be in the range $ 600 to around $ 1,500 per hectare for instrumentation ( in extreme cases , costs could be as high as $ 2,500 ) ( DAF , 2016 ). Annual maintenance costs and training through extension is estimated to be around $ 50 to 150 per hectare to support equipment maintenance and farmer training ( S . Attard AgriTech Solutions and Burdekin WQIP INFFER workshops ). An upfront cost of $ 1,000 per hectare , plus $ 50 per hectare on-going annual maintenance costs were used for shifting from D to C irrigation practices in the Burdekin WQIP INFFER analysis . These systems are less likely to achieve the B class irrigation efficiencies in the Delta due to the highly permeable soils . Higher infiltration leads to the need for relatively short furrow lengths , which can become too short to be practical to manage at these levels of efficiency .