SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 58

WQ Risk
Management Practice
Haughton / Barratta
Plan on using knockdowns only in ratoons . Residual use only in
problem blocks or situations .
15 % 5 %
Don ' t require residuals in ratoons at all . 20 % 20 % 10 % Pesticide selection
Pesticide product choice is based on efficacy and cost effectiveness Pesticide product choice is based on efficacy and cost effectiveness AND consideration of the different rate , relative toxicity , half-life , solubility , and soil adsorption properties of the pesticide options .
10 % Cane Grub Control
95 % 95 %
5 % 5 %
High Insecticides applied to each block each year 0 % 1 %
Insecticides applied to each block at plant , reapplied atleast
20 %
20 %
once during the ratoon cycle
Insecticides applied to each block at plant , no reapplication in
0 %
29 %
Insecticides only applied to blocks with observed damage or
5 %
10 %
blocks with high risk of infestation . More than one application per crop cycle
Insecticides only applied to blocks with observed damage or
10 %
10 %
blocks with high risk of infestation . Only one application per crop cycle
Don ’ t need to control cane grub with insecticides .
65 %
30 %
Lower Burdekin / Don
6.1.4 Soil management The following points are highlighted for the current adoption of soil management practices :
� Green cane trash blanketing is only used in 2-3 per cent of the surveyed sugarcane area across the Lower Burdekin .
� A majority of the area in the Haughton / Barratta ( 88 per cent ) and the Lower Burdekin / Don ( 98 per cent ) use machines and implements used for bed forming , tillage , planting , spraying all operate on the same wheel spacings . Harvesters and haul outs operate on different wheel spacings to other equipment ( Moderate risk ).
� In the Lower Burdekin / Don , the current row width is less than 1.6m in 90 per cent of the area , compared to the Haughton / Barratta where 56 per cent is less than 1.6m and 30 per cent is 1.6- 1.79m .
� Normal fallow management across the region is typically either weedy or grassy fallow ( 54-64 per cent ; Moderate risk ) or bare ( 23-25 per cent ; High risk ). A smaller proportion cultivate before planting a legume / cover crop or annual horticultural crop ( Moderate-low risk ; Haughton / Barratta 15 per cent and Lower Burdekin / Don 10 per cent ). Less than 5 per cent maintain a fallow period of more than 8 months with multiple break crops ( Lowest risk ).
� Preparation for planting of cane is conventional ( more than 5 passes of tillage equipment ; High risk ) in 72 per cent of the Lower Burdekin / Don and 41 per cent of the Haughton / Barratta , with reduced cultivation ( less than 5 passes of tillage equipment ; Moderate risk ) in 54 per cent of the Haughton / Barratta and 27 per cent of the Lower Burdekin / Don . Zonal tillage is used by less than 5 per cent of the surveyed area in the region .