SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 56

Yield Potential ( Moderate risk ), and 17 per cent are considered highly efficient ( Lowest risk ). In the Lower Burdekin / Don , 24 per cent are Moderate risk 13 per cent are High risk and 3 per cent are consistent with the expected yield potential ( Moderate-low risk ). Phosphorus fertiliser rates are calculated by Six Easy Steps or the regulatory method across half of the region . A majority of the remaining half use phosphorus rates that are highest than recommendations derived from soil tests . Mill mud is only applied in 30 per cent of the Haughton / Barratta and 40 per cent of the Lower Burdekin / Don . Within these areas , it is applied over less than 20 per cent of the farm ( Lowest risk ) in 25 per cent of the Haughton / Barratta and 35 per cent of the Lower Burdekin / Don . Less than 5 per cent apply it to 50-70 per cent of the farm ( Moderate risk ). Mill mud is largely applied using broadcast application ( more than 100 wet tonnes / ha ; High risk ) ( 20-35 per cent ), with only 5-10 per cent using banded or zonal application ( Low risk ).
Table 6.3 . Paddock to Reef program adoption data for nutrient management in the Lower Burdekin showing the representative proportions of responses from growers . Data based on benchmarking exercise for 2016- 17 . Rows in bold highlight the greatest proportions for each question . Source : DAF , P2R Management Practice Adoption Program Area , October 2018 . Note – WQ risk and weightings to be checked .
WQ Risk
Management Practice
Haughton / Barratta
70 %
N fertiliser rate
Higher than Six Easy Steps and / or > 1.9kg N applied / expected
40 %
60 %
Consistent with Six Easy Steps guideline for DYP
43 %
24 %
Mod-low / Lowest
Consistent with expected yield potential ( and 1.4kg N for first
0 %
3 %
100tch , 1kg N for tch > 100 )
Highly Efficient (< 1.2 kg N applied / expected tch )
17 %
13 %
15 % Which best describes how you calculate your P fertiliser rate ? Mod-low / Lowest Phosphorus is not applied as it is not required 0 % 0 %
Lower Burdekin / Don
Phosphorus rates are higher than recommendations derived
40 %
30 %
from soil tests
Phosphorus rates calculated by Six Easy Steps or the
50 %
50 %
regulatory method .
Phosphorus rates calculated by using Six Easy Steps method
5 %
5 %
with deductions made for other significant sources of P ( eg mill by-products )
Phosphorus rates are lower than recommendations derived from soil tests .
5 %
15 %
15 %
What % of your farm do you apply mill mud / ash to each year
( including mud / ash blends )?
Don ' t apply mud
70 %
60 %
Lowest less than 20 % 25 % 35 %
Moderate 50 % to 70 % Mod-low 70 to 100 %
20 to 50 % 5 % 5 %
At what rate do you apply mill mud ( including mud / ash blends )?
Lowest Don ' t apply mud . 70 % 60 % Lowest Deep banded at less than 50 wet tonnes per hectare 0 % 0 %
Low Banded or zonal application over the crop row at less than 70 wet tonnes per hectare
10 % 5 %