SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 54

No farm runoff or tailwater is captured in 90 per cent of the Lower Burdekin / Don ( High risk ), and only some blocks drain into recycle pits in the remaining 10 per cent . In the Haughton / Barratta , recycle pit / s capture most runoff , most of the time in 50 per cent of the area ( Moderate risk ), no farm runoff or tailwater is captured in 28 per cent ( High risk ) and some blocks drain into recycle pits in 14 per cent . In 8 per cent of the area , recycle pit / s either capture all irrigation runoff and pumping capacity allows rapid re-use of recycled water and storage is regularly emptied and refilled ( 5 per cent ) or recycle pit / s capture all irrigation runoff and some rainfall runoff ( 3 per cent ) ( Lowest risk ).
Table 6.2 . Paddock to Reef program adoption data for irrigation management in the Lower Burdekin showing the representative proportions of responses from growers . Data based on benchmarking exercise for 2016- 17 . Rows in bold highlight the greatest proportions for each question . Source : DAF , Paddock to Reef Management Practice Adoption Program Area , October 2018 . Note – WQ risk and weightings to be checked .
WQ Risk
Management Practice
/ Barratta
Lower Burdekin / Don
What is your main method of irrigation I don ' t irrigate 0 % 0 % Furrow 97 % 99 % Low Pressure Overhead 1 % 0 % High Pressure Overhead ( e . g . winch ) 0 % 0 % Drip irrigation 2 % 1 % How many times do you irrigate per year ? less than 4 Between 4 and 7 Between 7 and 13 5 % 2 % More than 13 95 % 98 % Which best describes irrigation runoff in your situation ? No irrigation run-off 0 % 0 % Limited run-off on occasions 1 % 15 % Most irrigated blocks have some run-off 4 % 5 % Irrigation water lost from all blocks each irrigation 95 % 80 %
20 % What irrigation scheduling tools do you use ?
65 %
65 %
In-field indicators ( eg tensiometers , capacitane probes , gypsum block ) in a few blocks
30 %
34 %
In-field indicators ( eg tensiometers , capacitane probes , gypsum block ) in the majority of blocks
0 %
0 %
Crop growth models used in conjunction with scheduling tools in several representative blocks .
5 %
1 %
35 %
Irrigation volume ( for furrow irrigators )
Irrigation volume is determined by the time taken to get all runs through .
95 %
95 %
Efforts made to adjust irrigation volume to match estimated crop water requirement at the time .
4 %
4 %
Low / Lowest
Irrigation applications aim to replace a known or modelled soil water deficit .
0 %
0 %
In field sensors are used in an automated system that manages applications , and irrigation ceases when tailwater is detected .
1 %
1 %