SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 50

Traffic - The modellers will follow the P2R WQ Risk Framework in terms of the percent of area trafficked . See Table 4.2 below for summary .
Table 5.3 . Modelled scenarios of cover management in the paddock modelling .
ABCD Trash Fallow management Traffic Af
Green cane trash blanket ( GCTB )
Mungbean ( harvested )
( harvested )
( green manure )
( green manure )
Mungbean or weedy
Less than 36 per cent of the field is trafficked by machinery every year . All machinery wheel spacings matched to row spacing for all operations including harvesters and haulouts . GPS guidance is used for all field operations , including harvesters and haul-outs .
As below
Less than 36 per cent of the field is trafficked by machinery every year . All machinery wheel spacings matched to row spacing for all operations including harvesters and haulouts . GPS guidance is used all operations except harvesters and haul-outs .
As below
Cp Burnt Bare As below
Between 37 per cent and 60 per cent of the field is trafficked by machinery every year . Most machinery operates on the same wheel spacing and is matched to row spacing . Harvesters and haul-outs are on different wheel spacings .
At least 60 per cent of field is trafficked by machinery
every year . Machinery operates on different wheel
spacings .
Irrigation Production Indicators and scheduling
The primary inputs to the model include the Production Indicator for irrigation management , scheduling rules and irrigation capture to prevent runoff .
The modelled Production Indicators for irrigation management are shown below in Table 5.4 . The modellers will develop scenarios to apply irrigation and meet these criteria .
Table 5.4 . P2R WQ Risk Framework Production Indicators for irrigation management ( also shown in the full table in Attachment 1 ).
Production Indicator
P2R Water Quality Risk High Moderate Moderate-Low Lowest
Estimated Crop Water Use Efficiency CWUE = TCH /( gross irrigation + effective * rainfall ) Assumes 450mm average effective rainfall
Less than 5 tonnes of cane per megalitre per hectare
5-7 tonnes of cane per megalitre per hectare
7-9 tonnes of cane per megalitre per hectare
More than 9 tonnes of cane per megalitre per hectare
The proposed scheduling rules are listed below and are currently being finalised ( as at October 2018 ).