SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 34

Haughton Basin
Burdekin Basin
Figure 3.3 . 2025 water quality targets and priorities for the Haughton and Burdekin Basins ( containing the Lower Burdekin catchment ). The relative water quality priority across the 35 Great Barrier Reef Basins is shown by colouration of the boxes ( see legend ), as shown in the Reef 2050 WQIP and derived from Waterhouse et al . ( 2017c ).
Environmental Values and Water Quality Objectives : The primary guideline sources for aquatic ecosystems are the Queensland Water Quality Guidelines ( DEHP , 2009 ), GBRMPA Water Quality Guidelines ( GBRMPA , 2010 ) and Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality ( ANZECC / ARMCANZ , 2000 ). Readers should refer to the Burdekin WQIP 2016 ( NQ Dry Tropics , 2016 ) for a summary of relevant guidelines .
Groundwater thresholds : Many years of work in the Lower Burdekin highlights the need to establish local and regional groundwater targets , in terms of quantity ( water table depths ) and quality ( see for example , Shaw , 2014 ). While these need to be spatially specific , it is not yet clear whether a temporal component is required . These targets are important if the Implementation Plan intends to address irrigation management in the region .
To successfully implement the water harvesting water licence system and to ensure that the groundwater resource is not put at risk , target water level thresholds have been developed by the Department of Natural Resources , Mines and Energy ( DNRME , 2018 ) and water licences are conditioned to ensure that pumping under the water licence only occurs when water levels are above the target level ( listed in Table 3.5 ). Pumping more than the nominal allocation is an offence under the Water Act 2000 and landholders are also required to record and report metered use . Existing DNRME monitoring bores have been assessed , and bores most representative of an area have been selected as representative monitoring bores . Based on aquifer characteristics , the representative monitoring bores have been mapped into Management Units ( DNRME , 2018 ). Electrical Conductivity thresholds have also been established for some Management Units ( Table 3.6 ).