SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 26

� In the Delta , the majority of irrigators are groundwater irrigators , where irrigation water recharges the aquifer and is subsequently reused to maintain soil moisture requirements .
� Delta growers apply more water per unit of area ( e . g . 20 + ML / ha ) than BRIA growers ( e . g . 10-12ML / ha ). Reasons include high soil permeability ( irrigation water leaches quickly ) in the Delta and most of the irrigation water is charged via area ($/ ha – not a volumetric charge ) in the Delta . These factors affect the relative economic benefit accrued from improvements in water application efficiency .
� There are 347 farms in the BRIA and 580 farms in the Delta ( see Table 3.1 ). The average farm size in the BRIA is 140ha ( with areas up to 3,500ha ) compared to 72ha in the Delta ( with areas up to 500ha ). Previous economic analysis conducted by Smith ( 2015 ) indicates that it is more cost effective to implement improved nutrient and irrigation management practices on the larger farms as fixed costs are spread across a larger production base .
Table 3.1 . Key characteristics of the BRIA and Delta sugarcane growing areas in the Lower Burdekin . Reproduced from Waterhouse et al . ( 2016 ) with inclusion of more recent updates .
49,222 ha
41,262 ha
Since 1980 ’ s
Since 1880 ’ s
Number of farms
Approx Farm size 1
Dominant soils
Up to 3,500ha Median farm size : 94ha Average farm size : 140ha Sodic duplex / and light to medium and heavy clays ( high denitrification potential )
Up to 500ha Median farm size : 56ha Average farm size : 72ha Coarse sands , sandy loams and light to medium clays ( Low denitrification potential )
DIN loss pathway
Large proportion in surface runoff
Large proportion in drainage
Modelled annual average DIN
460t / yr
586t / yr
load 3
Average production 2
110 tonnes per ha
120 tonnes per ha
Fertiliser application rates 4
214 kgN / ha Plant
193 kgN / ha Plant
227 kgN / ha Ratoon
216 kgN / ha Ratoon
Water source and use
Surface water and ground water in
Ground water and surface water
Northcote , Jardine and Selkirk areas
from Water Board supply
10-12 ML / ha
20 + ML / ha
Volumetric charge for water
Largely area based charges for water
Gravity fed systems leading to lower
Pumping leads to higher electricity
electricity costs
Irrigation systems
Predominantly furrow irrigation
Predominantly furrow irrigation
Data sources :
Wilmar ( P . Larsen , pers . comm .), September , 2018 . Data extracted from end of 2017 harvest season .
Wilmar ( P . Larsen , pers . comm .), March 2016 .
Based on modelled estimates of DIN loads from sugarcane areas using the Paddock to Reef Source Catchments model ,
DNRM ( 2015 ).
Paddock to Reef program Survey data , NQ Dry Tropics ( 2016 ).
3.2 Priority pollutants
The dominant water quality issues from sugarcane areas are DIN and pesticides , particularly PSII herbicides ( NQ Dry Tropics , 2016 ; Waterhouse et al ., 2016 , 2017a , b ).
Note that DNRME are currently updating the pollutant load estimates based on the latest Paddock to Reef program data update , and this will be provided when available ( likely to be late 2018 / early 2019 ). The data presented is from the Burdekin WQIP 2016 ( Source Catchments 2015 model run ). Since this time , Fraser et al . ( 2017 ) have developed a daily empirical runoff DIN concentrations model with updated inputs from local experimental data , which will be incorporated into the basic cropping system model ( APSIM ), leading to further improvements in the pollutant load estimates .