SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 11

A number of sub-programs or themes for actions in the proposed Irrigation Extension and Investment Plan are identified below . These suggestions are drawn from various sources of information described in Part II and III , and consultation with the Burdekin Cane Extension Group . These include :
1 . Approach for supporting sugarcane farmers to adopt improved management practices - e . g . extension , education , training , financial incentives , communication – and combinations of these . 2 . Delivery arrangements - establishing or maintaining a coordination mechanism . 3 . Supporting information , monitoring and evaluation – including specification of minimum data and information requirements for projects , monitoring needs and evaluation and review processes .
4 . Reporting and communication – primary reporting mechanisms and strategy for communicating program outcomes and supporting knowledge .
5 . Supporting research , development and innovation – identification of priority information needs and priority knowledge gaps ( drawing on those identified in this report , the 2017 Scientific Consensus Statement and the Reef 2050 WQIP RD & I Strategy ).
Recommended approach to program design ( Section 2.3 )
Given the high management priority of the Lower Burdekin sugarcane region 1 it is recommended that a process of collaborative design is undertaken to establish a 5 year Irrigation Extension and Investment Plan for actions to progress achievement of the Reef 2050 WQIP targets . The scope of the plan should be guided by consolidation of information and learnings contained within this report , local expertise and funding guidelines of current largescale investment programs such as the Reef Trust Partnership . The proposed Irrigation Extension and Investment Plan should aim to align the related major planning initiatives in the region including the Queensland Government ’ s Enhanced Extension Coordination in GBR project the SRA Adoption Program and the DNRME Lower Burdekin Groundwater Management Strategy .
It is suggested that this would require a 5-month design phase ( March to July 2019 ) incorporating a number of interim milestones including the development of a preliminary draft plan by May 2019 . As a matter of priority , it will be necessary to identify a lead organisation and secure resources for the design process . This recommendation was discussed initially with a subcommittee of the Burdekin Cane Extension Group in early February 2019 , where SRA and DAF identified a promising opportunity to progress the design through a joint arrangement , hosted by SRA and supported by DAF and the BCEG .
The cost of this design phase is estimated to be in the order of $ 227,000 to cover a person to coordinate and lead the program design ( SRA Water Management Adoption Officer ), workshop costs and resources to involve local experts ( including BCEG members , Burdekin Water Futures and other stakeholders ) and growers in the design phase .
PART II : Synthesis of the current understanding of water quality outcomes from irrigation management in sugarcane in the Lower Burdekin
Water quality issues in the Lower Burdekin sugarcane area ( Section 3 )
� The area of sugarcane in the Burdekin NRM region is approximately 91,000 hectares ( 91 square kilometres ), with approximately 80,000 hectares under production .
� Most of the region ’ s sugarcane is located in the Lower Burdekin catchment , with small areas in the Don and Black catchments .
� The most practical boundaries for this document and future planning in the region are the Burdekin River Irrigation Area ( BRIA ) and the Delta sugarcane growing area . These two areas combined are referred to as the Lower Burdekin sugarcane area throughout this document . The two areas have the following key characteristics relevant to water quality management :
- Analysis of paddock scale monitoring and modelling data indicates that a larger proportion of DIN loss occurs via surface runoff in the BRIA area than in the Delta .
As defined in the Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan , 2017-2022 . ix