10 Attachment 2 : Burdekin DIN Runoff Model changed between Report Cards 2014 - 2015 and 2016
It is important to note that there was a change in how surface runoff DIN losses were modelled in the Burdekin region between Report Cards 2014 - 2015 and Report Card 2016 . For Report Cards 2014 - 2015 the DIN runoff loss model was based on field trial data that was developed into an empirical model , Fraser et al . 2017 , https :// link . springer . com / article / 10.1007 / s10661-017-6115-z . This runoff DIN model was developed from field experiments in all other major cane growing regions except the Burdekin catchment . This was noted in the paper as being a potentially limiting factor to applying the model in the Burdekin cane growing region given the quite different flood irrigation management practices . The most comprehensive runoff DIN data collection in the Burdekin of recent times was collected by Tom McShane and Arwen Rickert ( Burdekin Bowen Integrated Floodplain Management Advisory Committee ). This data was used to develop a new runoff DIN model specifically for the Burdekin region which was implemented in the paddock modelling for Report Card 2016 . Importantly the model was split into two components – rainfall runoff DIN losses and irrigation runoff DIN losses . There were no differences in the way the drainage DIN loss component was modelled from Report Cards 2014 – 2016 .
Typical management practices
Table 1 shows the sugarcane management practices for the 2016 Report Card . The most common management practice recorded in the Burdekin cane farming area in the 2016 Report Card was Nutrient management level “ Cfull ” in combination with Irrigation D management . This management is highlighted yellow in Table 1 .
Table 1 . Burdekin sugarcane management practices 2016 Report Card .
Soil |
2016 Reportcard 2016 Reportcard Ha |
Af |
3 % |
2,492 |
Ap |
2 % |
1,533 |
Bf |
12 % |
10,041 |
Bp |
32 % |
26,673 |
Cf |
25 % |
20,841 |
Cp |
12 % |
9,857 |
Df |
14 % |
11,618 |
Nutrient Af |
3 % |
2,796 |
Bf |
11 % |
9,158 |
Bp |
25 % |
20,380 |
Cf |
49 % |
40,652 |
Cp |
10 % |
8,366 |
Df |
2 % |
1,703 |
Pesticide Af |
8 % |
6,493 |
Bf |
29 % |
23,725 |
Cf |
37 % |
30,415 |
Df |
27 % |
22,424 |
Irrigation A |
4 % |
3,219.84 |
B |
5 % |
4,013.31 |
C |
17 % |
14,206.88 |
D |
74 % |
61,615.79 |
Recycle pit A |
21 % |
17,758 |
B |
26 % |
21,525 |
C |
22 % |
18,382 |
D |
31 % |
25,390 |
Table 2 shows the modelled DIN losses for the most common management practice “ Cfull nutrient management and irrigation D management ”. The results were split into two regions because of the