Best use of clay masonry
By Corobrik
Kirsten Harrington – The Wheel .
Kirsten Harrington of KZN University won the category of ‘ Best Use of Clay Masonry ’ for a thesis that focused on the importance of adapting derelict and underutilised buildings to better suit the changing needs of existing communities .
In the hope of mobilising the deprived and alienated local community , Kirsten looked to adapt an existing building within the area known as The Wheel . The building is currently underutilised and closed off from its street edges , having one entrance that climbs three floors of parking . It is proposed that the so-called African Artisan Trade Centre has a set-back façade to allow for a forecourt for informal trade and community engagement that the road currently lacks .
In addition , the ground floor will break away through a landscape of steps and ramps integrated with platforms , seating and planting . This will allow for an array of empowering spaces that service the needs and wants of the local community . The idea to use brick arose from exposing the red clay brick of the existing structure . “ I then wanted to play on the idea of adaptability through creating a brise soleil system as the building ’ s second skin ,” explains Kirsten . The system allows for a play of light and varying degrees of privacy .
Commenting on the importance of such awards , Kirsten adds : “ This platform allows students to showcase their work and to be recognised for their creativity and innovative ideas . Competitions like these encourages students to think big and opens doors to new possibilities . I am extremely appreciative to have been a part of such a large platform .”
Corobrik has long played a pivotal role in recognising upand-coming young architects in South Africa , notes Marketing Support Manager Thilo Sidambaram , who herself has been involved with the awards for two decades . The Covid-19 pandemic has meant that most regional and national events have had to be held remotely . “ Despite the challenges posed , the country ’ s architectural students have still managed to excel , and Corobrik is proud to continue to support our universities during this difficult period .”
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