SA Affordable Housing September / October 2020 | Page 31

ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY ₀ ₀ “Communication and DSTV connections, for instance, will need UPS and back-up systems. UPSs will be important for things that cannot be cut off, such as DSTV and Wi-Fi. “To save money on back-up, you can include split distribution between essential and non-essential systems in your planning,” he says. NON-ESSENTIAL LOADS “Non-essential loads include those systems for which you don’t need backup in any form. It is the part of your load that the premises can do without while remaining operational during mains fail conditions. An example of this might be geysers, heaters, air-conditioners, pool heating, and pool pumps, which are not essential.” However, if you lose your utility supply for long periods, the situation might change, as will the definitions of the non-essential loads. “Lifts in a housing estate, for example, provided they are not higher than two to three stories, and water heating geysers, would typically be seen as non-essential, but again this will be determined by the duration of the power outage. With dual systems, where the distribution of power can be split: Paraplegic lift can be seen as essential and the other lifts as non-essential, for example.” “To assist in understanding electrical load needs, Oosthuizen explains that there are at least five different segments to consider: essential loads, critical no-break loads, non-essential loads, energy-inefficient loads in existing complexes, and your total load profile over time.” ENERGY-INEFFICIENT LOADS According to Oosthuizen, energy-inefficient loads include electrical elements which can be replaced by more efficient alternatives to make the load less bearing. You can implement energy saving with heat pumps and/or solar for geysers. If using all roofs, you can have a great solar power element for renewable energy. “This lends itself to energy saving in day-to-day operations. For example, all new geysers must comply with the new minimum standard as set by the Department of Energy, namely Class B, as specified in SANS 151, to ensure less pressure on your electrical load,” he explains. In various premises, the replacement of air conditioners and electric heaters with the latest state-of-the-art low energy and higher power factor technology will have quite an impact on energy consumption. Changing older light fittings to the newest technology LED fittings will also have a significant impact on energy usage. Water and sewage pumps are other considerations. In general, pumps have a very low power factor, which means they draw higher current than necessary. “Where premises have many pumping systems, it is worth considering power factor correction to these loads to increase the power factor, which will decrease the reactive power with various cost benefits, such as lower demand charges, avoiding reactive power penalties and freeing up distribution system capacity,” advises Oosthuizen. LOAD PROFILE “When determining a development’s power supply needs, some forethought can go a long way in ensuring appropriate systems,” says Oosthuizen. “You should determine your total load profile for at least a year, bearing in mind that loads are seasonal and are changing from day to day. When determining your load profile of existing premises, don’t only use utility account information – this normally only provides monthly maximum demand where applicable and energy usage. Additionally, it is important to understand which parts of your load can be moved to non-operational times when total consumption is less. There are many timer and automation technologies on the market that can help with load shifting in order to spread the usage curve,” says Oosthuizen. “Investing in an alternative power supply system for a development is a good idea, but for it to be a feasible investment you must clearly understand your load requirements before making any decisions. Knowing what you have is the critical first step to knowing what you need next. Analysing this resultant need for alternative power supply solutions against your potential loss/increase of sales for the developer and energy savings for the buyer forms the essence of your business case for investment,” says Oosthuizen. SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2020 29