SA Affordable Housing September / October 2018 // Issue: 72 | Page 18
This argument against state interference only holds if we value
the principle that ‘only the fittest of fit survive’ above the value
we place on human dignity and social justice for everyone. If we
value human dignity and social justice then we must first
recognise land as a social asset. Land as the unrivalled ability as
a finite natural resource to unlock socio-economic opportunities
for the good of all in society – or left unregulated for its private
holders. When we argue against regulation and state
interference we overlook this social value of land which is
sacrificed to the tyranny of the free market.
When we argue against regulation and state interference
we also overlook the massive state investment in
infrastructure development on the continent and the reality
that the state already intervenes by developing
infrastructure and granting planning permissions. Public
sector investment in infrastructure (such as roads and bulk
services) increases land and property values and provides a
catalyst for private developers to create more value. In Africa,
this value often does not do enough to relieve the burden on
the state to provide, for example, affordable housing.
Sometimes, it even increases the state’s burden (such as
when gentrification occurs).
As we think of ‘future Africa’ we must do so recognising the
social value of land and ensure that the urban visions being
crafted by African municipalities are shared by other role
players. Our African municipalities and regional governments
must take care that development on our continent is not being
driven by short-term driving forces, annual budget cycles,
man-made crises or special interest groups but by the macro
plans and spatial frameworks we develop.
We should use our land use processes strategically, to
direct the quality, scale and density of housing developments.
The African state must consider and use appropriate tools to
ensure that the social value of land is preserved. These
include the planning and regulatory instruments at the state’s
disposal such as development and zoning levies, incentive
zoning, land leasing, land banking, land taxes, land price
freezing, pre-emptive rights and the designation of special
zones of social interest.
Presently such tools and frameworks are under-utilised in
Africa but some have been used successfully in Asia, Europe,
Australia and North America using such tools to direct urban
development, restructure urban areas, control market-led
development and create revenue for various social projects. It’s
time for us to consider how we adapt these for the African
context so that we can develop effective responses to Africa’s
housing crisis.
Future Africa is calling. Let’s keep her in focus and explore
new approaches to tackling our housing challenges.
Anthea Houston is chief executive offer of Communicare NPC,
an independent social enterprise active as a social landlord in
Cape Town for more than 89 years. Communicare owns and
manages 3 375 residential rental units in the social and
affordable housing market.