SA Affordable Housing November / December 2021 | Page 12


Enhanced FLISP Application Processing CRM system a game changer

By The National Housing Finance Corporation
The National Housing Finance Corporation ( NHFC ) has been appointed by the National Department of Human Settlements ( DHS ) as the implementation agent of the Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme ( FLISP ).

The NHFC is on the verge of finalising the enhancement of the Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) System that will make a huge impact on ensuring that the current delays being experienced in FLISP applications are eliminated , as FLISP processing will become an automated process .

On 1 October 2005 , FLISP was introduced to assist a certain category of households that were unable to access mortgage loans without other forms of housing finance support . Dubbed the ‘ gap market ’, these households were described as “ earning too little to qualify for adequate mortgage loans and yet earning too much to qualify for adequate housing subsidies .” Since its inception , FLISP uptake has never reached the desired usage levels due to implementation challenges . As a result , the DHS ’ s executive team approved several changes in the implementation of FLISP . Among these changes , was to appoint a FLISP National Implementing Agent ( NIA ). Therefore , the DHS appointed the NHFC as the National Implementing Agent for FLISP with effect from 1 April 2019 , while allowing Provinces to continue to implement FLISP in their Integrated Residential Development Projects ( IRDPs ). For the NHFC to execute its NIA role , it receives the FLISP allocation for subsidies as well as an allocation for operational costs direct from the DHS .
When the NHFC assumed the role of NIA , it became apparent that it would need to develop and implement sound IT systems to enable the seamless processing of FLISP applications . Noting that it would be time consuming for a new dedicated FLISP system to be developed and implemented , the IT system Business Case analysis recommended that an enhancement be made on the current manually driven CRM system . Such an enhancement will significantly reduce turnaround times throughout the value chain from receiving applications to the payment of subsidies . Ultimately the NHFC will develop a new dedicated FLISP system that will link with its new system following the development of new NHFC IT infrastructure once the new Enterprise Architecture project is concluded . Such a new , dedicated FLISP system when implemented will take processing to even another level .
Whilst some delays resulted from the moratorium on procurement during the hard COVID lockdown last year , and the upgrading of government ’ s HSS system , the enhancement of the CRM System is almost complete .
This system is currently live internally and will be made available to origination partners and applicants from the public as soon as the internal testing is completed . This is the portal platform through which the entire processing value chain will be automated .
The enhanced CRM system is expected to deliver the following benefits to all NHFC clients :
• Automate the processing of FLISP applications throughout the value chain .
• Enable all categories of FLISP clients to submit applications via a portal to initiate the application process .
• Bring about efficiencies in turnaround times in FLISP application outcomes .
• Disbursements become automated .
• Automatic feedback , via SMS or email , to clients at each stage or milestone of the FLISP process will occur , thereby eliminating the need for client follow ups .
In essence , the enhanced CRM system will provide a seamless end-to-end FLISP application process with minimum human intervention . External database searches will be automated , and the results interpreted by the system . To support the implementation of the system , especially in quality control at the various stages of processing , the NHFC is to also recruit additional staff .
“ In essence , the enhanced CRM system will provide a seamless end-to-end FLISP application process with minimum human intervention .”
10 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2021 SAAffordHousing saaffordablehousingmag SA Affordable Housing www . saaffordablehousing . co . za