SA Affordable Housing November - December 2018 // Issue: 73 | Page 4
An industry that
makes a difference
Every home built is a new beginning for someone...
By Warren Robertson
ometimes when dealing with this industry it’s easy to
get caught up in the red tape, to look too hard at the
details or get lost in the numbers. While peering at
the budgets for the newest project it can be easy to forget
just what a truly exciting and important industry we are all
involved in – changing people’s lives.
There is little doubt among anyone involved in affordable
housing as to what a massive undertaking it is. In 2016, it was
announced that 80% of South Africans live in some kind of
formal house, depending on statistical accuracy that means
at least 11 million South Africans still need a real home; a
solid structure over their heads with four walls. And this is
the task that our industry is trying to address.
That numbers are scary – 11 million South Africans*
currently live in informal settlements and need affordable
housing. That’s 11 million lives, 11 million stories, 11 million
people for whom having somewhere safe, warm, leak-proof
and comfortable to retreat to each night is not guaranteed.
Perhaps take a moment to think back on your own
childhood, what was it like? Where did you live? Was school
close by, or far away? Were the public places you went to
safe? Could you play in a park or go buy groceries without
being harassed? If the answer to any of these is no, then
you already know what it feels like to crave a warm bed, a
shower in the morning or have a well-lit desk to do your
But it goes even deeper than that. Each and every new home
doesn’t just immeasurably alter the future for one family, but in
the long term alters the future for our country too.
Children who sleep well, eat healthily and who have the
opportunity to study unhindered in secure homes, will learn
better at school and ultimately go on to build a stronger
future than if they are raised unsure of where they will sleep
at night. Every hope we have for the future of our country
rests on our ability to provide safe, secure and happy homes
to those who have never had them.
Whether we do that by building cheaper houses or by
making finance easier for lower-income families to access,
it’s not just about housing statistics, making a profit or
maximising sales, we are giving people hope that tomorrow
will be better than today and – by building homes – we are
literally building the future strength of our economy and
our country.
Building homes we all know can be a tricky business but if
we keep in mind that by building a better country, it can also
be a source of strength when you are dealing with a difficult
supplier, trying to fight through bureaucracy or sitting up late
at night battling with the finances. – You aren’t just there to
make a profit or pay your own rent, you are also there to
make a difference in the various communities that you serve.
Let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture.
*Statistics South Africa: 14% of South Africans live in
informal settlements (1 in 7), 7% live in traditional
dwellings (like a tribal hut) and 78% in formal dwellings.
According to Census 2011 the country’s population was
51.77 million; Stats SA’s 2017 mid-year population
estimate puts that total at 56.5 million people and 21% of
this figure is about 11 million people.
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