SA Affordable Housing May / June 2021 | Page 5


SA Affordable Housing goes digital

By Rory Macnamara

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity .” SA Affordable Housing Journal now moves from a print format to digital .
This decision was not taken lightly , and we thank the folk we have spoken with about this change , we thank them for their honest views , and we can say our decision is correct and well-supported .
The main objective in deciding this was that the whole of Affordable Housing needs more air and space . As a country we are behind the rest of Africa in adopting alternative building methods , not at the expense of the traditional , but it is this broad thinking that will fast track housing for the people of this country .
By going digital we immediately double our reach , and the growth will follow . We are then also able to expand the editorial pages to report on the good work currently being done by both the public and private sector . Credit to the Dept of Trade , Industry and Competition ( dtic ) for their Timber in Construction initiative . A recent report by Minister of Human Settlements , Ms Sisulu , is that this is promoting alternative building methods . The reality is that going down this road is the only way we can provide suitable housing .
We need to talk more about these options , debate them and implement them . There is no magic wand – hence the decision to have more bodies , and more people talking about housing .
The empowered people and empowerment programmes that are taking place in the property / building market will now have the opportunity to access valuable information and contribute to readers knowledge and growth .
All one needs to do to ensure continued receipt of the journal is to register online at saaffordablehousing . co . za . No cost , just a simple registration form .
Our readers are our lifeblood , so become part of the discussion . We will have ample space to air your views and have discussions .
The digital journal will also be supported by a monthly newsletter – another medium to spread the affordable housing news .
“ The main objective in deciding this was that the whole of affordable housing needs more air and space .”
IMAGE BY MEMINSITO / PIXABAY . COM www . saaffordablehousing . co . za MAY - JUNE 2021 3