SA Affordable Housing May / June 2017 // Issue: 64 | Page 33

PROJECTS    The affordable retirement village in Namibia.  In total, around 25 000 blocks were installed. Chris Schutte from Namwall says, “We consulted with Terrasafe, Terraforce’s professional design service, and had a design ready in no time. Most of the proposed rock face block walls were straight forward, with the higher ones requiring a double skin of L12 blocks for extra reinforcement. In addition to the walls inside the property, a river running alongside the retirement village needed erosion control retaining walls, in case of heavy water run-off during the rainy season. In total, around 25 000 blocks were installed.” The project was completed in February 2015, with landscaping by Andre’s Landscaping adding the final touches to the walls.                 Find a supplier Walling done by Terraforce. AFFORDABLE SA HOUSING MAY - JUNE 2017 31 Tel: 021 465 1907