SA Affordable Housing July / August 2021 | Page 7

“ The inner-cities and townships are not easy markets .”
It comes down to making an inclusive impact and affecting real change to people ’ s lives . The inner-cities and townships are not easy markets . But it is in this challenging environment where TUHF21 wants to make the most impactful contributions .
“ We want to be able to scale uMaStandi in markets where we see opportunity , and really focus on the development work needed in the country . TUHF Limited will still be assisting us with some of the infrastructure , technology , and policies we built up over the years to ensure that TUHF21 is able to leverage on this long track record ,” adds Netshitenzhe .
With a philosophy of creating impact through collaboration and innovation , TUHF21 will build , develop , and incubate financial services solutions that serve urban development needs . And , while each TUHF company will have its own focus areas , they will be collaborating with TUHF21 to drive a more sustainable and resilient urban development agenda that goes beyond the traditional inner-city focus of the Group to include South Africa ’ s townships .
In many respects , TUHF21 will be the ‘ insider / outsider ’ to TUHF Limited . It will optimise the urban renewal efforts of TUHF Limited and assist it better manage contributions to urban management , regeneration , and collaboration with communities and local government .
“ It is about providing honest input on the regeneration efforts and identify ways to improve on our past efforts . The benefit is now that we are on the outside looking in , we can better see the gaps that exist and look to enhance and advance the work being done ,” says Netshitenzhe .
“ The inner-cities and townships are not easy markets .”
The planned main product line of TUHF21 , uMaStandi , will continue to target entrepreneurs and resident landlords who provide backyard accommodation in the townships . It uses the property as equity to fund a rental enterprise where the owner or entrepreneur gets the peace of mind that construction on the property to increase its revenue potential will be professionally designed and built according to the required planning permissions . TUHF21 will seek to further grow and
Lusanda Netshitenzhe , CEO at TUHF21 .
commercialise this innovative initiative that builds on the pillars of all TUHF funding initiatives .
Another product TUHF21 will drive is the Intuthuko Equity Fund ( IEF ). Established in 2004 , this is a unique inner-city property finance initiative supporting previously disadvantaged individuals who want to enter the property investment market but face equity and / or deposit constraints in accessing the finance required to do so .
‐Netshitenzhe states that the IEF uses individual TUHF Portfolio Managers to provide extensive handholding with the entrepreneurs it funds . “ They are training them in the areas where they might lack sufficient knowledge . And if more specialised skills are required , Portfolio Managers match those needs with the relevant external training and mentorship stakeholders . It is all about giving the hands-on training necessary to empower IEF clients with the means to get the most value from their property investments .”



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www . saaffordablehousing . co . za JULY - AUGUST 2021 5