SA Affordable Housing July / August 2021 | Page 5


Dudu Phoswa of SHRA talks to us

By Rory Macnamara
( SAAH ) What is the difference , if any , between social housing and affordable housing ? ( DP ) There is no difference because social housing is one of the categories within affordable housing . Social housing focuses mainly on the provision of rental tenure and individuals whose income is between R1 500 to R15 000 per month .

Arising from the MoU ceremony held recently between SHRA and SAWIC & BE , SA Affordable Housing ( SAAH ) interviewed Ms Dudu Phoswa ( DP ), the SHRA Sector Development Transformation Programme Specialist ( SD & T ).

Before we move on to the interview let us spell out the full names used as acronyms :
• SHRA – Social Housing Regulatory Authority .
• SAWIC & BE – South African Women in Construction and Built Environment .
( SAAH ) Can you tell us more about the SD & T ’ s role ? ( DP ) Research has shown that there is a need for more than 320 000 social housing units in South Africa . The SHRA is tasked with delivering 30 000 units within the Medium-Term Strategic Framework ( MTSF ) 2019-2024 . For us to achieve this target , we must work with different stakeholders , which includes Social Housing Institutions ( SHI ) and Other Delivery Agents ( ODAs ).
The difference between the two is that SHIs must be accredited to submit projects and they do not have to have equity to qualify for SHRA funding .
SHRA engages with delivery partners in terms of them submitting projects that can qualify for our Consolidated Capital Grant ( CCG ). We also need the various organs of State , like municipalities and provinces , to be a part of this programme . The municipalities have a role to play in the land release for projects . The SHRA ’ s SD & T unit brings all these stakeholders together to ensure delivery .
Our unit is also responsible for capacitating and supporting the delivery partners to make sure that they function and perform well . We ensure that they understand the entire social housing value chain and opportunities within it . Some of the areas in the value chain include project development and funding , compliance , accreditation , regulation , and administration . This is done through the Institutional Investment Grant ( IIG ), which makes available grants that assist in with the capacitation and development of SHIs , ODAs and municipalities . For example , preaccreditation grant , project Feasibility grant , general capacity grant , staff gear up grant and remedial action grant .
Ms Dudu Phoswa , Sector Development Transformation Programme Specialist .
( SAAH ) Can you provide more information on the SHRA projects and training programmes ? ( DP ) We have a social housing incubation programme , which is aimed at providing capacity development for new SHIs without projects . It is essentially a mentoring and coaching programme for SHIs to understand the business of social housing that includes managing properties and tenant management . We currently have seven new SHIs on the programme with two projects now in the pipeline .
www . saaffordablehousing . co . za JULY - AUGUST 2021 3