View of the living area through to the patio , from the main entrance .
Open plan kitchen .
The development financing came from CIB Nedbank Property Finance who are a funding partner to the Alleyroads Group , the developer .
Alleysroads Group , who has developed more than 3 000 affordable units in the past 12 years , is a level 2 BEE company and its portfolio is made up of affordable housing 54 %, Social Housing 7 %, land ownership including WIP 31 %, upmarket housing 6 % and commercial properties 2 %. The group is also a development partner with the SHRA and are aiming at building 3 200 social housing units over the next eight years , and a further 10 000 affordable housing units over the next ten years .
Alleysroads Group aims at building 3 200 social housing units over the next eight years , and a further 10 000 affordable housing units over the next ten years .
www . saaffordablehousing . co . za JULY - AUGUST 2021 15