SA Affordable Housing July / August 2017 // Issue: 65 | Page 3

JULY - AUGUST 2017 ISSUE: 65 18 SA Affordable Housing Providing positive, innovative, cost-effective solutions for South Africa’s housing back log for the missing middle PUBLISHED BY INTERACT MEDIA DEFINED (PTY) LTD Tel: +27 (0) 861 727 663 Fax: +27 (0) 866 991 346 Email: [email protected] CONTENTS Postnet Suite 241 Private Bag X103 N1 City 7463 2 EDITOR’S COLUMN 4 NEWS -- TRANSFORMING SA’S RETIREMENT HOUSING LANDSCAPE 6 NEWS -- ‘GREENOVATION’ IS THE NAME OF THE GAME 8 ASSOCIATIONS -- AN ALTERNATIVE LOOK AT THE COST OF BUILDING CONTENT MANAGER Benjamin Brits [email protected] OPERATIONS MANAGER Marike Groot [email protected] MANAGING EDITOR Ilana Koegelenberg +27 (0) 71 216 8140 [email protected] 10 ASSOCIATIONS -- CRITICAL FACTORS THAT AFFECT CONCRETE QUALITY 12 ASSOCIATIONS -- WANT TO WIN A TRIP TO PARIS WORTH R125 000? 14 EVENTS -- TOTALLY CONCRETE EXPO -- A ROCK SOLID HIT 16 EVENTS -- 4 TH ANNUAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING AFRICA EXPO 18 COVER STORY -- RIP AFFORDABLE DEVELOPERS 22 ADVERTORIAL -- 10 YEARS OF TRUMOD 24 FEATURES -- FINANCING AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT: HOW IT’S DONE 27 FEATURES -- SAFETY AND SECURITY IN THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING SECTOR 29 FEATURES -- ZOOMING IN ON WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION 31 PROJECTS -- BUILDING A FRESH, NEW LOOK FOR RDP HOMES 34 PROJECTS -- SIMILAN CREATES AFRICA’S FIRST GREEN ESTATE 37 PROJECTS -- CROSS-SUBSIDISED HOUSING MODEL FOR THE MISSING MIDDLE 39 PRODUCTS 40 BRAND LISTINGS AND PRODUCTS WRITER Ntsako Khosa +27 (0) 11 579 4940 [email protected] SUB EDITOR Tina Heron [email protected] ADVERTISING Jacqui Marsh [email protected] ADVERTISING Angeline Martin [email protected] LAYOUT & DESIGN Craig Patterson [email protected] DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS Belinda Thwesha [email protected] COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER While every reasonable precaution has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the advice and information given, neither the editor, publisher, proprietor, staff, nor any official body represented or published in this issue, will accept responsibility for any damages, loss, injuries or false claims that may arise or be made in the content. We subscribe to the Codes of Conduct of the Advertising Standards Authority and the Press Ombudsman (see below). Disclaimers by individual companies are hereby overridden by this disclaimer. Reproduction of any of the content is expressly forbidden in terms of the Copyright Act of 1987 with all amendments. All requests to reproduce must be made in writing to the publisher and such confirmation must be given in writing before proceeding. A copy of where the reproduction was published must be supplied to the publisher at the above address. No reasonable request will be refused provided all conditions are met. 31 22 Tel: +27 (0) 11 484 3612/8 | Fax: +27 (0) 11 484 3612/8 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: for the press code CONNECT WITH US AFFORDABLE SA HOUSING PRESS OMBUDSMAN: This publication has committed itself to maintain the highest standards of journalism as embodied in the Press Code of Professional Practice. If you believe we have failed to report news and comment accurately, honestly and fairly, you may lodge a complaint with the Press Ombudsman either by email, fax or letter, or by telephoning the office for the procedure to be followed. JULY - AUGUST 2017 1 This publication subscribes to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) Code of Conduct which represents truthful advertising. Should any reader feel or believe that advertising in this publication lacks substantiation, is dishonest or misleading in any way, they may refer to the ASA,