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CONTRIBUTORS : Samson Moraba , Abe Stears , Chris Campbell , Maryna Botha and Shereen Moloto
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CIRCULATION : ABC Jan - June 2020 2883 Online 1258 Print 1625
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4 NEWS – Greening the inner-city through massive-small impact
7 NEWS – Efficiency in Housing Construction
7 NEWS – Correction : SAARDA correct name
8 ENGINEERING – Housing delivery challenge
11 ENGINEERING – A bottom-up approach to affordable housing for South Africa ’ s people
12 ENGINEERING – Case study : SANAS accredited product certification
15 BUSINESS – Transformation , empowerment and supply chain management
16 PROJECT – Divercity ’ s R1.8-billion Jewel City redevelopment in Maboneng
19 FINANCE MATTERS – 2020 Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook launched
20 LEGAL MATTERS – Charging developers for installation of services : A new approach
22 LEGAL MATTERS – Bank requirements when considering a development application
24 FEATURE – No shortcuts when designing and building a roof !
27 TECHNICAL TALK – Adaptors can be a danger to the South African consumer
30 ORGANISATIONS – Declaration of the members of the African Union for Housing Finance ( AUHF )
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SAAffordHousing saaffordablehousingmag SA Affordable Housing
A bottom-up approach to affordable housing for South Africa ’ s people
Accreditation and Product Certification is a topic causing confusion in the South African manufacturing industry . In the next few issues , we will try our best to address some uncertainties so that the manufacturer and the end user will understand and be able to make enlightened decisions on this important topic .
Transformation , empowerment and supply chain management
These are an interesting combination of words which are used independently especially in the political domain but used together shows how each can be enhanced or difficult to achieve if not together .
No shortcuts when designing and building a roof !
The roof of a building is there to protect the inhabitants against the elements , therefore there can be no shortcuts when designing and building . Failure to have the roof designed by a competent person and or using inferior materials can seriously affect the structural integrity of the roof structure .
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