Charging developers for installation of services : A new approach
By Maryna Botha
Municipalities ’ revenue collection increasingly poses challenges , partly because collection systems are not uniform and transparent , and also because financial management systems remain weak , as evidenced by the R130-billion owed to municipalities for services .
The issue of development charges has been under
discussion for well over a decade in municipal infrastructure and finance policy circles . The approach across municipalities varies substantially and National Treasury indicated that it believes that this undermines the scope of municipalities to legitimately use development charges to secure direct development revenue from expenses incurred .
To this end , the Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Amendment Bill was released on 8 January 2020 for public comment . The purpose of the Amendment Bill , among other things , is to uniformly regulate the power of municipalities to levy development charges on landowners , to provide for policies and by-laws that will give effect to policies on the development charges , to establish an entitlement on the part of municipalities to withhold other approvals or clearances due to nonpayment of development charges , and to provide for engineering services agreements .
The Bill thus seeks to give local governments the power to levy development charges in a consistent way , using a fixed structure and to collect revenue from property developers for the costs incurred by the municipality when installing new infrastructure or upgrading existing infrastructure in new land development projects . This increases predictability of development charge revenue and should , Treasury states in its explanatory Memorandum , benefit both municipalities and developers .
In terms of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 ( SPLUMA ), municipalities have the power to impose such conditions as are determined by the Municipal Planning Tribunal prior to the approval of a land development application . One such condition is the payment of a development charge . The power to impose this condition appears to have been formalised by the Bill .
The development charges are a once-off charge levied by a municipality on a landowner as a condition for approving a land development application and are destined to cover the costs incurred by the municipality for the installation of new infrastructure or upgrading of existing infrastructure for a proposed development .
A municipality may withhold any approval or clearance , including a rates clearance certificate , if a development charge owed or payable has not been paid or the landowner has failed to install external engineering services in accordance with the conditions of approval or an engineering services agreement . The payment for development charges can be made either as a monetary contribution or an in-kind payment where the landowner installs infrastructure on behalf of the municipality .
The National Treasury states in its explanatory Memorandum that the benefits of levying development charges ensure that infrastructure required to service
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