Transformation , empowerment and supply chain management
By Rory Macnamara
These are an interesting combination of words which are used independently especially in the political domain but used together shows how each can be enhanced or difficult to achieve if not together .
It is generally accepted that Supply Chain Management
( SCM ) is not exactly correct in this context , but hopefully we can show how failure in the chain does impact on transformation and empowerment .
Empowerment is a justifiable process in this country and in Africa considering the past imperialism , colonialism , apartheid ; and including the current government , of which some are not exactly shining examples of empowerment in practice . In short , empowerment can serve as a mechanism for effecting deep and broad-based social transformation .
Transformation is both individual and corporate and requires the conviction to change behaviour toward those of other cultures . It requires changing of hearts , minds , and skills to support the desired culture .
“ SCM is the management of upstream and downstream relationships with suppliers and customers to deliver superior customer value at less cost to the supply chain as a whole ,” says IM Ambe , from UNISA – Department of Business Management .
In the context of Affordable Housing , the supply chain not only takes in the actual design and supply of a project but where the project is going to be delivered , in this case land and title deeds .
Listening to both public and private webinars on the issue of housing , the largest breakdown in the supply chain are local authorities and other state departments . A recent Centre for Affordable Housing report ( CAHF ) entitled , ‘ The Transaction Support Centre , Lessons learned ’ made a number of recommendations , most of which went around the process within the municipal approval and transfer processes , and the Master ’ s lack of capacity , necessary changes to some Acts around land and titles , developing a clear set of service protocols to manage common barriers and a whole bunch more . Municipalities are identified as the main barrier to delivering an efficient and speedy process enabling private and public developers , manufacturers , distribution centres , professionals , and contractors to get on with the process of delivering houses .
So , in the context of empowerment and transformation , if any aspect of government ( at all levels ), business and society fails the chain , empowerment and transformation cannot take place .
To use either or both words in isolation without recognising the area where parts of the chain are failing is reckless and dangerous .
There is no one definition for empowerment , but this extract may work : The term empowerment means many things to many people . Concepts of choice , freedom , agency , capacity , participation , autonomy , and increased resources , however , are common to all definitions .
If any of these fail to work , empowerment and therefore transformation , cannot and will not happen on a large scale .
There is no one who would wish to see empowerment and transformation not succeed , but all parts must work !
1 . I . M Ambe , UNISA , Department of Business Management
“ To use either or both words in isolation without recognising the area where parts of the chain are failing is reckless and dangerous .”
Developing a clear set of service protocols to manage common barriers is required to ensure transformation .
www . saaffordablehousing . co . za JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021 15