SA Affordable Housing January / February 2018 // Issue: 68 | Page 13
resolution mechanisms; facilitative / evaluative
debates in mediation; the role of expert mediators
in facilitative mediation; the reality of international
markets and the increasing call for expert
mediation; maintenance of international standards
in mediation provision and administration in the
built environment; the scope for expert mediation
in the built environment found in the South African
Department of Justice’s Court Annexed Mediation
Scheme; and entry routes for practitioners wanting
to work in the sector.
Master classes 4 to 6 were presented by Vaughan
Hattingh from MDA, and discussed construction
adjudication, Professor Adimbola Windapo from the
association discussed a structured candidate
programme and Hubert Thompson from Thompson
and Thompson shared about how to deal with
challenges to jurisdiction when it comes to
adjudication and arbitration, respectively.
TV and radio presenter, Peter Ndoro was the conference MC.
Minister of Public Works, Nkosinathi Nhleko delivering the
keynote address.
Hosted in the OR Tambo conference centre of the
hotel, delegates were welcomed by the MC for the
event, radio and TV personality, Peter Ndoro.
Minister of Public Works, Nkosinathi Nhleko gave
the keynote address and shared that delegate’s
added value by increasing the pool of knowledge
related to the National Infrastructure Plan (NIP).
“Professionals in the Built Environment Professions
(BEP) have a significant role to play in shaping the
future of South Africa through building a
sustainable society that considers the well-being of
future generations,” he says.
Registrar of the association, Nomvula Rakolote,
took to the podium and gave a comprehensive
overview of the sector and the role of SACPCMP.
She described the organisation as the melting pot
of the industry with various provincial programmes
for professional construction mentorships rolled
out. CHS is a major issue in the industry, she gave
many examples of health and safety contraventions
on site found on site. The organisation has started
consultation processes to set up registration of
building inspectors.
“This is together mandated by the Council for the
Built Environment (CBE) and the National Home
Builders Registration Council (NHBRC). A task team
has been established,” she said.
A panel discussion that spoke to the heart of
transformation about gender empowerment and
professional registration as well as practice was
chaired by Reverend Naledi Stemela, chief director
at Public Works; Portia Tau-Sekati, CEO at Property
Sector Charter Council (PSCC); and Revona Botha,
MD of Robus Engineering.
Tau-Sekati shared that women are equal and
have the competence, capacity, capability and
ability. “Women must be assertive in the industry,”
she advised.
Giving an economic and political update, JP
Landman, an independent political and trend
analyst, said that rules to economic growth are
three-fold. “You need a stable macro-economic
environment, you need to use the market system to