Is it for me?
You will enjoy
this subject if:
What will I
You will develop
skills and
knowledge in:
What can I do
with it?
Careers and
routes in:
You enjoy being creative
You enjoy problem solving
You like working with others
You enjoy communicating your ideas visually
You want to express your own ideas and feelings
You would like to develop your practical skills using
a wide variety of 2D and 3D materials
You are interested in how design can improve our
daily lives
Researching ideas
Developing your own ideas
Working with others
Drawing and painting
Print making
3D construction
Presentation skills
Evaluating your work and artists/designers work in
related areas
Art and Design is an excellent qualification for careers and
further study in creative, aesthetic and practical jobs, with
elements of presentation skills, problem solving and work-
ing with others.
Is it for me?
You will enjoy
this subject if:
What will I
You will develop
skills and
knowledge in:
What can I do
with it?
Careers and
routes in:
You enjoy communicating your ideas visually
You would like to develop your practical skills using a
wide variety of 2D and 3D materials
You would like to learn how to present and market
your ideas
You would like to contribute to the local community
You would like to find out about the world of work
You would like to help/improve the lives of others
How to evaluate your strengths and skills
Researching employment opportunities
Working with a real client
Researching ideas
Developing your own project
Working with others
2D or 3D practical skills
Working with the local community
Presentation skills
Marketing and promotion
Evaluating your work
Advertising, Community, Arts Worker, Exhibition Designer,
Graphic Designer, Marketing, Multi-Media Design, Museum
Curator, Photographer, Stylist, Visual Merchandiser, Web De-
signer and any other creative job….