S2/S3 Course Choice Booklet 2018 S3-S4 Course Choice Booklet Jan 2018 | Page 12

DRAMA N3-AH DANCE N5-H DRAMA DRAMA AND THE WORLD OF WORK The skills developed in Drama are exactly those that prepare pupils for the world of work ● Higher Thinking Skills ● Working with others ● Taking responsibility for own development ● Managing time ● Thinking critically & creatively ● Planning & Organising ● Solving problems ● Learning and continuing to learn communicating oral & written work ● Undertaking tasks at short notice ● Managing & being managed by others Employability skills profile- The critical skills required of the workforce. 2/3 of the skills that get and keep you in a job are skills that are developed in drama at all levels! Academic Skills - those skills, which provide the basic foundation to get, keep and progress on a job and to achieve the best result. Personal Management Skills - the combination of skills, attitudes and behaviours required to get, keep and progress on a job and to achieve the best results. Team Work Skills - Those skills needed to work with others on a job and to achieve the best results.