S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 52
Well, we’ve finally reach the end of the tour. Please, get off carefully and
make sure of taking all your belongings.
This Project was born because of a group of friends’ sudden desire to pro-
mote the SNS comunity. We all know that staying eternally in the fandom
is imposible, but we believe that the time to say ‘goodbye’ to the Legen-
dary OTP has yet to come.
Created for and by the fandom, this magazine reflects the dedication of
many so we can have more of these two beautiful characters.
However, it is likely that we’ll be taken afar from the fandom because of
the circunstamces beyond our lives in the internet.
The magazine needs more hands. Each one of us has a story of our own,
but it doesn’t mean we cannot tell other one all together through this pa-
Therefore, you are all invited to contribuite on this work. There is never
such a thing as ‘too much help’!
Also, if any of you want to make a fic recomentation, have a drabble you
would like to share, or even a good joke you would like to tell, please let us
know in our social networks:
This is a bimestral bilingual magazine, and it counts with permission from
the authors to publish their works. This is a non-profit project, born from
our hearts and with high expectations for the future.