S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 48

RANDOM HOROSCOPES Libra Naruto: Always give sincere smiles to the love of your life. Be- lieve me, they will no- tice! And the most you shout their names in a day, the better it’ll be! Sasukeee! Saggita- rius scorpio Orochimaru: If you are interested in so- meone, let them know how much you want their body. Lee: Burn the spirit of your youth and enjoy your love life with intensity! If you like someone, persevere and ne- ver give up! ! PISCES Konan: Do not be afraid of dreaming of a perfect world. Being with the per- son you love, and even world peace will seem to be at the reach of your at your fingertips. Capricorn Gaara: Do not pay attention to the unnecessary. Look at the essence of people. Even if you aren’t very demonstrative, the right person will know how to love you as you are. Aquarius Minato: The day you find your ideal person, you will be planning your wedding as soon as you receive a greeting from them.