S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 34
Sasuke 22:14. See you tomorrow.
first time he heard Sasuke's voice. He did not
His pulse accelerated again as he read that. To- need to ask to know that this was Sasuke.
morrow would finally be the day of the mee- “Sasuke! I'm in front of the ticket office! Where
are you?”
ting, after all.
Naruto 22:15. I can’t wait. “Mh, I think I’m close to you.”
He knew that Sasuke would not answer him,
since his flight would be soon, so he decided to
be online for a while before going to sleep. It
was at that moment that he realized that even in
social media people kept talking about that
strange syndrome. Naruto read several com-
ments from people who said that Bbam appeared
when you fell in love or saw the person you li-
ke. The voice from the other side of the line fit so
well with that voice that came from his back. He
was paralyzed. The noise around him disappea-
My whole body tingles, what is this nice fee-
ling ?
“Sasuke” Naruto mumbled astonished. His pulse
accelerating from the vision in front of him.
Everything around him began to spin.
See you tomorrow.
“Naruto” Sasuke replied with a worried expres-
There was no doubt that those words disturbed sion.
Naruto more than all those internet theories
What is this?
about the strange syndrome.
Naruto thought, admiring all of Sasuke's features
He had only seen a couple of pictures of Sasuke
as if he did not believe he was real. He was too
thanks to his mother who had tagged him; so for
perfect to be. Naruto felt stunned.
Naruto it would be like seeing him for the first
“Naruto” he heard Sasuke scream suddenly.
That was too exciting to sleep peacefully. The A loud nearby sound that was accompanied by
night seemed not to be in his favor. In that mo- an inexplicable heat in his chest ended the silen-
ce around him and now he clearly heard people
ment it seemed eternal.
exclaim surprised by something he did not un-
His excitment only increased when the sun fina-
lly appeared in the sky. He had breakfast quick-
ly and went to the airport, still checking his cell He was too fascinated with that person in front
of his eyes to care.
phone, waiting for a message from his friend.
It was impossible to be calm while waiting, so he "Sasuke, why is the path to you suddenly cove-
moved around the airport. His heart also an- red with flowers?"
Sasuke approached him in the middle of an
“Mh?” his cell phone vibrated with a call. unexpected shower of petals. His hand went to
“Sasuke?” he asked after answering
that his chest, getting hotter and more agitated.
unknown number.
“Naruto? Where are you?
Naruto almost dropped his cell phone. It was the
“Ah... I think I fell in love 'ttebayo” Naruto said,
noticing how his friend's pale cheeks were pain-
ted red.