S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 29

Nachos con queso started in the fan- dom since 2015 thanks to the acci- dental kiss of Naru- to and Sasuke in chapter 3, but it was a doujinshi NaruSa- su on YouTube that changed her vision for the series. The page SasuNaru- Sasu, on Facebook, inspired her to draw SNS. She admires with too much fer- vor amazing artists such as Emi-10 Ran- kai, Nilo signal, Twinge, Snow and Aca Iro. You can find her here: https:// www.facebook.com/ Nachos-Con-Queso -1699392970171176/ Because the fandom does not stop growing, we present small great talents.