Réverie 1 | Page 6

Rêverie | Vol . 6 Issue 11
September 11 , 1926 was a pivotal moment for Miami and other cities in the east coast . The Great Miami Hurricane plowed through major cities , devastating homes , buildings , and schools . And what has the government done about providing relief months after the huge storm ? They ’ ve contributed nothing . The Economic Census released a report claiming that all of the relief funds to help struggling people months after the hurricane have come from supporting states or donations . The national U . S . government has refused to contribute . And why is this so ? Unfortunately , our current administration and government is corrupted by the one thing which in fact drives our economy . Yes , it ’ s money . A famous English teacher quoted “ Money is the solution and problem to all of our problems .”
The government is more worried about collecting money rather than giving it . The Humanitarian Service Organization spokesman , Linda Cook , told journalists that “ People of color were driven from their homes

“ The Great Miami ” by R . E . Lyeef

without essential resources .” Democratic Senators are claiming that the political corruption of the government has influenced the decision to not provide any funds for the people still suffering from the hurricane . To top it all off , the government is set on discrimination ! People of color affected by the hurricane have been singled out by the government . They ’ ve been refused aid , even if they were in worse predicaments than their fellow Americans . Cook said “ The government ain ’ t what it used to be , so let ’ s show them what the true American spirit is .”