Ryan Van Wagenen Global Private Equity Trends - New York Training Pre Ryan_Van_Wagenen__Global_Private_Equity__2018 | Page 15
Ryan Van Wagenen - Global Private Equity
Ryan Van Wagenen Professional Overview
• Global Private from 2009 to Present
• Promoted to Director within Global Private Equity in 2011
• Oversees origina8on process team in deal assessment,
modeling, due diligence and transac8on nego8a8on
• Leads execu8on by managing the transac8on process and
structuring the detailed terms of the investment opportunity
• Prior opera8ons manager at Ci8 Trends from 2006-2009
- Lead team in data entry, accounts payable, payroll, grant
report entry, and helping and crea8ng organiza8onal and
program budgets in collabora8on with the execu8ve director
• Westminster College alumnus where he received a Bachelor of
Science in Finance
• S8ll ac8ve in the outdoor community and is an avid
backcountry skier, mountaineering racer, hiker, rock climber,
and mountain biker
• Loves to provide service in the local community