Ryan Van Wagenen European Private Equity Sector Update Ryan_Van_Wagenen__Global_Private_Equity | Seite 5

5 European Buyout By Deal Size In the US, markets have rallied to record highs since the inauguration of President Trump. Meanwhile, stock market volatility, at least for the time being, has decreased. This is likely to be a result of the administration’s pro-business agenda. The most notable example of this has been the corporate tax overhaul that will accrue to company earnings. Monetary policy remains loose, especially in Europe where the interest rate is essentially zero, and therefore the debt necessary to finance buyouts continues to be cheap. There also remains a supply-demand imbalance, with more equity capital than there are opportunities to invest that capital, sustaining the high-price environment. I N T E R N A L T R A I N I N G P R E S E N TAT I O N - RYA N VA N WA G E N E N – G L O B A L P R I VAT E E Q U I T Y – T E C H N O L O G Y S E C T O R SOURCE: PWC PRIVATE EQUITY TREND REPORT 2018