R&W Lindfield's Quarterly Book 34th Edition | Page 4
Richardson&Wrench Lindfield
As we unveil our new look designs to the
marketplace from April 23, we take a look
at behind the scenes with Amanda Ward
at a future focused brand reimagined.
Amanda Ward
R&W Group Development
How can a franchise brand present itself
as a boutique brand when the essence of
the boutique operator is personalisation? Why is it important for R&W to
differentiate itself from the approach
taken by the larger real estate franchises?
At R&W we have always maintained that our
franchisees are the keepers of the brand
and experts in their local market. So we have
developed the brand in a way that presents
scope for them to personalise their marketing
and collateral yet still be consistent with the
R&W design guidelines. We allow operators to
choose the option that suits their market and
business. This approach allows us to steer away
from an industrial scale template approach
that would rob our principals of the freedom to
express their personality. It comes back to our core belief that real estate
is about people. It’s important that there is room
within our network for individuals to express
themselves and for successful people to develop
their own personal brand within the brand. We
also see a growing preference for customers
and agents to be part of something unique and
special and not just part of the machinery. It’s a
question of scale and R&W has the Goldilocks
advantage of being just the right size to be able
to offer a more flexible approach in this area of
our business.
34th Edition