· male
· 30 years old
· 2 kids
· financial advisor
“ I wake up at 5:20 a . m . everyday , go for a run and I ’ m in the office by 7:30 a . m . to try and make it home to my wife and kids by 5 p . m . My days are routine . If I ’ m not going to happy hour with my co-workers , I have dinner with my family . I ’ ve never heard of half the things my wife makes for dinner , but it ’ s always good . I ’ m not hard to please when it comes to food . But , when I ’ m at a nice restaurant , whether it ’ s for a date night with my wife or a happy hour with my co-workers , I appreciate excellent service and expect the food to be worth what I ’ m spending . Between my wife and co-workers , I ’ m at a nice restaurant at least once a week . If the food and service is consistent and above average , I ’ m suggesting that restaurant to my co-workers the next time we go out for happy hour .”