Discussion Guide
Post-Dining Attitudes ( 3 minutes )
• How do you feel after visiting a fine dining restaurant ? o PROBE : Was it worth the cost ? o PROBE : Happy with your decision ? o LOOK FOR : Listen for feelings-- anxiety from spending too much ? Happy with your experience ?
• Do you typically recommend restaurants to friends / family ? o PROBE : What would make you recommend a restaurant to a friend ? o PROBE : How do you recommend a restaurant ? ( word of mouth , check-in on Facebook , post to Yelp , etc .) o PROBE : Do you like to visit the same restaurants over and over or do you like to try new things ? o PROBE : How do you hear about new restaurants ?
Overall Attitudes and Opinons
• Can you describe to us what your fine-dining experience looks like ? Begin at the planning phase through post-dining experience . o LISTEN FOR : Touchpoints , recommendations , influences o Identify : Each individual step Emotions associated Motivation ( internal / external )
I Is this a weak point for the brand ?
• What are the first 4 fine-dining restaurants that come to your mind ?