Ruskin Lane Consulting Autumn 2013 | Page 3

WELCOME AHSS Autumn 2013 l No. 34 President Simon Green MA, FSA, FSA Scot Chairman Peter Drummond RIAS, RIBA Hon Treasurer Hamish Macbeth MRICS Editor Abigail Daly Ruskin Lane Consulting Reviews Editor Mark Cousins ARIAS, FRSA Design Pinpoint Scotland Ltd. NATIONAL OFFICE The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Riddle’s Court 322 Lawnmarket Edinburgh EH1 2PG T 0131 557 0019 E [email protected] © AHSS and contributors, 2013 The opinions expressed by contributors in this publication are not necessarily those of the AHSS. The Society apologises for any errors or inadvertent infringements of copyright. The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland is a charity registered in Scotland, No. SC007554. The Society is a registered Company Limited by Guarantee, No. SC356726. The AHSS gratefully acknowledges assistance from Historic Scotland towards the production costs of the AHSS Magazine. The AHSS gratefully acknowledges assistance from the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland with archive image reproduction and towards production costs of the AHSS Magazine. elcome to the autumn 2013 issue of the AHSS Magazine. If the spring issue took a close look at West Coast projects and places, then this issue extends its gaze far and wide both geographically and thematically. We travel to Russia (twice), Italy and Haiti, and closer to home, to Yorkshire, Edinburgh, Ayr and Dumfriesshire. Anyone with a hunger to explore further should note the dates of the everpopular Spring Study Tour, which will focus on the hidden heritage and buildings of north east Scotland. A series of themes runs through this issue including energy efficiency, stained glass, archival research, theatres and the contribution of individuals to our collective knowledge. Sadly, Peter Drummond writes his last ‘View fr