My Place Photography is a creative learning initiative
created and run by the Scottish Civic Trust. It
supports young people in learning about the built
environment and their local heritage.
Consisting of a photography competition and
learning project, My Place Photography has grown
from a modest annual competition established in
2004 for primary school age children to a national
opportunity for all young people of school age in
Scotland to learn, participate, explore and create.
My Place Photography Competition enables the
Scottish Civic Trust to engage young people with
the wider civic movement in Scotland, encouraging
active investigation and creative participation in and
around our local spaces.
This year the competition has attracted entries from
nearly 500 young people, ranging from ages 4 to 18,
from 29 schools and represented groups across 15
local authority areas. All children and young people
involved in the competition were given an open brief
to make photography that examines or exemplifies
their places. The My Place Photography Competition
is supported by Historic Scotland.
My Place Photography Learning Project aims to
provide a platform for children and young people to
express their ideas, experiences and perspectives on
the heritage, buildings and archaeology of Scotland.
Using photography as the main creative vehicle
for exploration, the learning project focuses young
people into the detailing of structures in addition
to the broader subjects and scenarios of our built
spaces. The My Place Learning Project is supported
by the Heritage Lottery Fund.