Ruskin Lane Consulting 2014 | Page 6

“ © Paul Zanre Photography HIGHLY COMMENDED MICHAEL WOODS SPORTS AND LEISURE CENTRE Glenrothes, Fife NOMINATED BY: Disability Sport Fife ARCHITECT / LEAD DESIGNER: B3ARCHITECTS/cre8architecture CLIENT: Fife Sports and Leisure Trust The £21m new-build Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre is one of the most striking local authority leisure facilities in the UK. The primary driver in the design of the new centre has been the desire to create an engaging and stimulating environment that improves health by actively encouraging participation in sports and leisure facilities. This is a complex, bold and dynamic project which is a game-changer in terms of its capacity to inspire and liberate people to become more active. It is fully accessible, clearly successful in terms of visitor numbers and has given the people of Glenrothes an exciting and welcoming new facility to take pride in. It is a fantastic civic building. ” JUDGES’ COMMENTS