April 2012 – July 2013
We campaigned on behalf of our members to reverse
the decision to remove zero-rating on approved
alterations to listed buildings. This included writing to
HMRC, sending a letter to national newspapers and
supporting a Scottish Parliamentary Motion.
We contributed to the consultation on the review of
a new architecture policy for Scotland. As well as
attending public consultations and other related events,
BEFS held a workshop, submitted a formal response to
the consultation and had face-to-face meetings with
senior civil servants.
We established a new Architecture and Place Group
to bring together people from different sectors to
test, scrutinise and challenge current policy and issues
relating to architecture and place-making.
We held 13 workshops between April 2012 and
July 2013 on a range of subjects including: historic
environment records; new architecture policy; world
heritage sites; traditional building skills; Historic
Environment Strategy; and planning reform (SPP and
Below: Attendees at our Historic Environment consultation
workshop in Perth.
Right: Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External
Affairs, speaking at our Historic Environment consultation
workshop in Edinburgh.
We contributed extensively to the Historic
Environment Strategy review. This included
attendance at Review Board meetings, face-to-face
meetings with key people from Historic Scotland and
RCAHMS, and ongoing advice and input into the review
through our Historic Environment Working Group. In
June and July 2013 BEFS organised a series of
workshops, in collaboration with Historic Scotland, on
the Historic Environment Strategy/HS and RCAHMS
merger consultation in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Perth.
Around 100 people from the built environment, historic
environment and voluntary sectors attended.
We contributed to the Scottish Historic Environment
Audit (SHEA), the Scottish Historic Environment Data
(SHED) strategy and the Review of Town Centres.
We responded to the consultation on the Community
Empowerment and Renewal Bill. We submitted written
evidence to the Local Government and Regeneration
Committee’s Inquiry on Regeneration.