Rural Europe on the move English_E_version_all | Page 76

CHAPTER 6 2. Orchard with traditional fruit varieties and vegetables “For many, living off the land enabled them to survive the political insecurity of the transition years.” Stability in unstable times When I was a child, Romanian city celebrate religious holidays, or births, marriages and deaths. Life under communism was tough but eating dwellers had to queue up for hours together was a way to forget the each morning just to get basic food. past and ignore the future. In those From the start of the 1980s, meat, oil moments, only the present existed. and sugar and later bread and dairy This kind of feasting together made was rationed, as food was in short the grey everyday bearable - you supply. In the countryside, things were were alive because you had eaten! quite different. We had an orchard 72 prepare the food for several days to The communist regime fell in 1989 bearing traditional fruit varieties with and with it, Romanian industry too. various vegetables and grains growing Those who had been forced off the between the trees. Cheese and milk land and packed into the small urban we made from our grandparent’s flats, had the chance to return to their sheep and cows, and we would villages and reconnect with their rural gather medicinal and aromatic plants heritage. For many, living off the land for tees and ointments. The food was enabled them to survive the political fresh, simple and delicious. insecurity of the transition years: if The Romanian celebration of food communities were able to produce and the shared meal finds its roots in their own food, they did not have to that time. When relatives and friends rely on a crumbling state and fragile from the city visited us, our table economy for their food provision - boasted rich pickings. We would they would be safe.