Rural Europe on the move English_E_version_all | Page 58

CHAPTER 4 Social capital On our excursion through deciding power on all activities of of the final management plan and why the commune. We have organised others were ignored. meetings at different hours to reach The Knyszyńska Forest Landscape Podlaskie we reach Knyszyńska a broader public. In the morning Park was established in 1988. The Forest Landscape Park. Director we talk with local authorities, in the Park’s area is 745 km 2 , 85% of which Joanna Kurzawa explains how the afternoon with local representatives of are forests and woodlands. The consultation and dialogue with communities. We have also organised whole surface is under EU Natura stakeholders unfold in order to thematic meetings for foresters, the 2000 support schemes since it is define the park’s management plan: local population and many more.” After home to over 200 species of nesting “Depending on the sites, twenty to thirty this, all opinions are gathered and birds. In contrast to national parks or people join our meetings, which include decision makers have to explain why nature reserves, agriculture, timber representatives from the municipality. certain suggestions or concerns were production and other productive land The mayor has almost exclusive taken into account in the formulation uses located within the boundaries of 54