Rural Europe on the move English_E_version_all | Page 49

OPPOSITE 1. Mountain forest forums in Bavaria, Germany, an inspiring experience of ‘Civic dialogue’ shared on FS website THIS PAGE 2. 3. Workshop venue in Podlaskie region Mediation and non-violent communication The first thing you learn be the wolf in someone else’s story, not just sweet little red riding hood. One way of confronting this is daring to engage the wolf in a conversation, embracing its views and then “To practice nonviolent communication means stepping out of our ‘comfort zone’.” in mediation and nonviolent welcoming fears, anger and conflict communication is to listen before as a source for change that might be you talk. This is to try to put yourself needed to improve our relationships, space where people are enabled in the shoes of the other, to grasp our understanding or even future to exchange views in person and his or her point of view. When you cooperation. To practice nonviolent in protected space. This is about learn to wholeheartedly listen, you communication means stepping out building bridges between rural talk with a different understanding, of our ‘comfort zone’ and being able people, between wolves and with more compassion. This is often a to see ourselves as someone else’s shepherds, farmers and nature more productive way to face a shared wolf too. conservationists. We have trained problem together. From the very beginning, Forum ourselves and others to change Synergies has foregrounded perspectives and look at sustainable misunderstandings, it is useful to the importance of constructive rural development as gathering by the consider in what ways we may also dialogue, facilitating gatherings and fire in a forest clearing. In situations of conflicts or 45