Rural Europe on the move English_chap7_13 | Page 65

The Energy of youth Stereotypes lost The Dronten youth gathering ART SESSIONS challenged the stereotype that rural regions are boring, backward or During Forum Synergies’ workshops we put an emphasis on undesirable. According to Eurostat, inclusive and enabling processes, and try to encourage participants around 4,4% (or 10 million people) of to experience and express themselves as human beings with a those employed in the EU-28 worked multitude of dimensions - emotional, intellectual, spiritual - and in agriculture in 2015. Of these, almost to communicate from heart-to-heart. During art sessions, there is three quarters worked in just seven space for creative chaos, which often frees the mind for creative countries. Rural areas account for 28% problem-solving too. Objects and symbols collected during field of the European population. These visits play an important role in the artistic process. In Dronten, we areas are frequently those with the were guided by Land artist Irma Horstman, who invited us into lowest average income, highest rate the woods, where all kinds of natural material was rearranged to of unemployment and poorest access symbolic art works, which were then connected between each to public services. “The general opinion other. Building bridges on dry land, as it were. seems to be that only the ‘losers’ stay in their home villages,” one respondent to the European Rural Youth Parliament told me, “Village life is seen as frequently stereotyped as a non- which I have been involved for the outdated and anti-progressive.” But is cultural space, whereas art and past seven years, operates. We are that still true today? culture are reserved for the city reframing rural areas as exciting, dwellers. This ignores how much desirable places for working, living inspiring work is being produced and leisure. We want to prove that in our countryside. Art and playful young people can do much more encounters have become important than just preserving nature or work ingredients of Forum Synergies in the traditional sectors of farming, events. It is in this context that the fishing and forestry. A new rural Latvian Rural Forum (LRF), with paradigm with changes that we have “The general opinion seems to be that only the ‘losers’ stay in their home villages.” The art of being rooted Forum Synergies has always been interested in the multiple ways people engage with and understand rural life. Artistic practice, whether visual, musical or movement-based, is one way of knowing about the rural world. It is also a key way to make rural issues understandable to lay-people or to explore the different ways different people engage with such issues. The rural world is also 141