Rural Europe on the move English_chap7_13 | Page 47

The Art of Being Different “We want this to be a type of tourism which encourages social cohesion, values local tradition and encourages rootedness." E THE LESACHTAL EXPERIENC 25 years after my first time in Lesachtal, I can see that the struggles facing the region are a little different in nature but have in common the ongoing trend toward centralisation, dependency IN A NUTSHELL “Rural areas need to welcome newcomers, they can bring new ideas and innovative approaches." on multi-national corporations and bodies and the loss of self-sufficiency. However, I see that I also notice the smiling faces and companionship the Lesachtal still has the capacity to resist trends of my neighbours who have come together to clean which silently rob it of its authenticity. The art of up. The main help comes from the locals: skilled being different seems to build upon a mixture of farmers or foresters do not need to wait for external resistance and innovation, mutual assistance and professionals to begin the work. These ‘stubborn and private conflicts, of personal appreciation of our old-fashioned’ people - what a treasure their skills are! own roots. A friend of mine is stuck with a vast quantity of milk The creativity which has helped Lesachtal deal she cannot deliver because the roads are blocked. with difficulties in the past is more necessary than Quick-thinker, she instead made a large batch of ever. I write these lines with the sounds of military butter and a kind of soft cheese, the ‘Schottekigilan’. helicopters endlessly whirring above the valley. For A speedy and creative response to disaster! the past week they have tried to restore electricity Lesachtal has taught me many things. It has connection and clear roads after extreme storms. shown me the worth in confronting my prejudices Heavy rainfall, mudslides and floods pummeled our and opening up. I hope I have taught Lesachtal the valley, destroying vast chunks of forest as well as same. Rural areas need to welcome newcomers, homes and vital infrastructure. It makes for a sorry, they can bring new ideas and innovative painful sight - 30 or 40 year-old pine trees snapped approaches. This is needed to keep these places like toothpicks, a devastated landscape peppered lively and connected to the wider world. Sometimes with homes without roofs and whole slopes which it is difficult to straddle the preservation and value have been washed away. We are fragile in the light of the local with the connection to the global but of such disasters, and we can expect more of them Lesachtal, with creativity and courage to resist the as the climate changes. trends, has done just that. 123