Rural Europe on the move English_chap7_13 | Page 43

The Art of Being Different 3a. 3b. Workshop Lesachtal 1996: in the middle of alpine rural reality 4. Hans Windbichler (second from left) in 2019 as major of Lesachtal From attendees to actors This was a chance to cultivate a more developments: the general trend open mindset which welcomed the of centralisation in all parts of the outsider. We wanted to share what administration and the loss of had worked well for us from a rural independent regional management. a workshop in Lesachtal. Forum development perspective but also In 1996 Lesachtal lost its independent Synergies placed trust in me, what our unsolved problems were. regional management status and was giving me confidence that I had Participants from other countries pooled together with other regions, the skills and enthusiasm to take might offer valuable ideas or shared which had quite different character in such challenge on. This trust was experience. And so Lesachtal became terms of geology, farming, heritage fundamental for me. It shifted my a place to visit during the Sustainable and education, just as it happened in thinking. I had something to offer, not Mystery Tour. Beaufortain, as described by Philippe It was just logical to me to host to ask for. We were more than just attendees at workshops, we were all actors in sustainable development, active participants and invited to really get stuck in. It was how I became a networking person. This was significant for Lesachtal, as Barret in chapter 8. The positive Administrative changes and new local energy Times change, politicians change, development, however, was that Hans Windbichler decided to become an active local politician. Today, he is the mayor of the valley. He is excited and eager to bring new energy to rural funding schemes change. For us development and his long experience the place was expressing openness in Lesachtal, a significant change in farming and working on regional and hospitality to the world beyond in rural development energy came development makes him just the the boundaries of our own little valley. due to more or less coinciding candidate for the job. 119