Rural Europe on the move English_chap7_13 | Page 40

10 1. The outstanding beauty of the landscape: autumn in Lesachtal The Art of Being Different SIMONE MATOUCH I first set foot in Lesachtal over 25 valley in the South-West of Austria. It years ago. I was scared at that time, sits between 600 and 1400m above not yet used to travelling to unknown sea level, a wild stretch of a canyon places with unknown people. I was cut by the Gail river. also fearful of the stories which I was there as a biologist, still based “We don’t need any advice from outsiders.” emotional about, particularly when preceded my arrival, stories of the at university, to carry out a project on confronted with scientists who want to outstanding beauty and wilderness of biodiversity and cultural landscapes. measure, evaluate and quantify it. “We the landscape, but also of the narrow- The first meeting with the mayor was know best about the land here.” “we mindedness of its inhabitants, -‘typical unfriendly and cold, not just because don’t need any advice from outsiders,” stubborn mountain farmers’, - I was the place was sparsely heated. Nature “you university types will not impose told. The Lesachtal is a high mountain conservation is a topic people get anything on us.” 116