Rural Europe on the move English_chap7_13 | Page 24

CHAPTER 8 Travelling farmers - a new generation Usually it is almost impossible to peasant farmers. “Access to land for start farming without family heritage. newcomers and new farmers is a major But as they had worked as volunteers problem for young people who have at Terre de Liens (Access to land not inherited a farm from their parents. families settling in the neighbourhood. network) in Savoie, they knew about It remains a crucial point throughout Céline Fournier and Maxime Leportier the various initiatives and legal Europe,” says Céline. “We have been are an example. They are part of an possibilities to gain access to land and able to settle here with the help of initiative called ‘paysans voyageurs’ a farm, with support from civil society many people who support newcomers - travelling farmers. After travelling initiatives. Their new settlement was in farming. We may at some point wish through Latin America, visiting and possible through a type of community to move somewhere and it’s perfectly working on farms and local initiatives, sustained farming. possible that other young people can Jeanine is also proud to see young they decided to settle in Thénésol near Alberville. To help them settle down take our farm over. This could be a new as farmers, they called upon a form of making farming more attractive solidarity savings system called for young people and to revitalise rural ‘GFA’ (Groupement Foncier Agricole) areas.” to access a three-hectare farm. Contributions to the cost of the farm came from their families and friends but also from an event called ‘Le grand bivouac’, a festival where young people share their experience of travelling the world and working with 12. GFA - Paysans Voyageurs : the farm 13. The mobile henhouse 14. End of a day of collective work to support Céline (3rd left) and Maxime (1st right) in July 2019 “Access to land for newcomers and new farmers is a major problem for young people who have not inherited a farm from their parents.” Céline Fournier 100